2015년 6월 30일 화요일

유니티 Android Studio SDK 설치 관련

출처 : http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/93209/how-would-i-find-the-sdk-folder-for-android-studio-so-i-can-build-my-unity-proje

the sdk may be hidden in the AppDatafolder (the folder itself was hidden).
If you want to look for AppData, but can't find it, open explorer and type %appdata%, press enter. It will show the hidden files. Path will look like this; C:\Users\Your.name\AppData\Local\Android\sdk1 Now that you have found the sdk, go back in to unity and click EDIT / Preferences / External Tools. You will see a field for Android SDK location - enter the path in that field.

익스플로어 창에 %appdata%를 입력하면 경로가 나옵니다.

"C:\Users\Your.name\AppData\Local\Android\sdk" 경로를 확인해서 

유니티의 EDIT / Preferences / External Tools 에 설정하면 됩니다.

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